
Our Goals and Roadmap

As a community, our aim is to create a sustainable impact in the blockchain space. We will work together to achieve these goals, continuously learn, and adapt to developments in the sector. We will stand shoulder to shoulder to build a brighter future together.

Here's the roadmap we've set out for our actions:

1-) Building a Strong Community: Our first step will be to form a "Solid Community." This community will have the capacity to move together, exchange ideas, and support projects.

2-) IDO Organizations: Together with our community, we will organize IDO (Initial DEX Offering) events, helping to finance and introduce new projects.

3-) Investing in the Future with Early Investments: As Dao Space, we will actively participate in other platforms' pre-sales, seizing the opportunity to invest early in projects with high potential.

4-) Fair Distribution: We will distribute the income we earn and the tokens we collect fairly among all members of the Dao Space community. This ensures that every member of our community receives a return for their contributions.

5-) Long-term Goal - DAOSPACE CAPITAL COMMUNITY: Lastly, our long-term vision will be to establish the DAOSPACE CAPITAL COMMUNITY. This aims for our community to be more than just an investment group, to form its own capital community, and to become a major player in the blockchain world.

Last updated